Industrial Gradhermetic, S.A.E starts as a business in Terrassa (BCN)

Historia 1949
Gradhermetic has its beginnings in a wood carpentry workshop located in Terrassa which was property of carpenter and cabinetmaker D. Jaime Colom Grau. Upon noticing that shutting windows and security was limited to the use of rollable wooden blinds, he realised that a style of blind that allowed for adjustment of slats was needed. 


Gradhermetic outpaced the needs of the market and is established as a company

Historia 1950-53
D. Jaime Colom came up with and put into practice the idea of a blind that, in addition to closing, allowed for adjustable the slats and controlling the amount of light. For industrialization and diffusion of this new and revolutionary product, the Gradhermetic Company was established on the 12th February 1954.


Steel starts to be used to make the original wooden product

Historia 1960
This innovative product which was wood to start with was then made with steel, followed by profiled aluminium like it is today. With the incorporation of José Colom-Noguera’s company, the range of products increased to include the manufacture of false ceilings, wall faces and shutters.


Expansion. Construction of new factories in Avenida Béjar 

Historia 1966
Gradhermetic’s good work and selling a quality product meant that expansion was necessary. Thus, new facilities were created next to Gradhermetic central headquarters.


Acquisition of an aluminium casting machine.

Fundición aluminio
Gradhermetic acquires an aluminium casting machine. This is done with the final aim of being able to have complete and utter control of the final product’s quality. This is what makes us different from most of our competitors, since we create our products from prime material through to home installation. 


Gradhermetic in the Barcelona Olympic Games '92

Historia 1992 Olimpiades
Gradhermetic had direct influence on the 1992 Olympic Games. Most of the buildings that were built in the Olympic Village employ products from our range. 


50 Aniversario de Industrial Gradhermetic.

50 anys
In 2004 Gradhermetic celebrated its 50th anniversary. It helped us to meet up with ex-workers and members of our ‘family’. It was a very emotive day that also showed our company’s good health.


Gradhermetic and Llambí

Historia 2011 Llambi
With the introduction of the Llambí department in Gradhermetic, the knowledge from Llambí of special projects was acquired.


New Branding

Historia 2017 Branding
Gradhermetic has always wanted to be at the forefront of society. It is for this reason that we have re-branded and created a new web page much more consistent with the needs of today.On the other hand, we are also making efforts to reach out to our clients through different social networks and digitalizing our company.