Quality and environment
Active measures to increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions policies.
INDUSTRIAL GRADHERMETIC is a company which worries about the environment and implements active policies to increase the energy efficiency of its processes and reduce its CO2 emissions.
These policies are principally based on:
1. Recycling
We eliminate tonnes of recyclable aluminium in our surroundings, transforming it into high-quality end products.10.000.000 Kg/year
2. Efficiency and optimization of the production process
We obtain second smelting aluminium from recycled material with the corresponding energy saving and reduction of emissions compared to using primary aluminium.30.000 Tonnes CO2/year
We completely eliminate waste and take advantage of surplus energy (incineration, purification, reusing) in the aluminium painting process (coil coating system).346 Tonnes CO2/year
3. Renewable energies
In our central facilities, we have a photovoltaic ceilingtop of 200KWp, producing carbon-free energy which we provide to the network, with the corresponding reduction in emissions when compared to the use of conventional electrical energy.237 Tonnes CO2/year
4. Range of products
We made products destined for solar protection of buildings with the corresponding saving of energy that it assumes (500,000 m2 of solar protection installed/year).18.800 Tonnes CO2/year

Documentation of interest
Directiva 2010-13-EC EPBD
Documento PDF
Sellos y certificados
Documento PDF
Libro verde sobre la eficiencia energética
Documento PDF
Politica de Calidad, Medio Ambiente y Prevencion de Riesgos Laborales
Documento PDF